Copenhagen School of Design and Technology


Full Stack Development with NodeJS

Danish title
Full Stack Development med NodeJS
Study programme
Computer Science
Type of education
Full time education
Level of education
Academy Profession
4. semester
Duration of the subject/module
1 semester
Programme elements
Danish and English
Start time
Guldbergsgade 29 N, København N
Subject number
Responsible for the subject(s)/modul(es)
Anders Latif
  • Purpose and learning objectives

    Work with Node.js to create backends that support your frontends.


    Node is a Javascript runtime environment which will be used to create API’s, communicate with databases and more. In front-end traditional HTML, CSS and Javascript will be used.

    The elective aims to make students understand the full stack and the classic separation of backend and frontend.

    The client will retrieve data from the backend with fetch and sockets.

    We will work towards larger projects.

    We will work with both relational and document databases.

    We will also learn how to use external services and libraries some of which include sockets.


    The goal is that the student gains knowledge of:

    ● The Node.js ecosystem.

    ● A general overview of different types of databases

    ● Building a larger and scalable project.

    ● Understanding conventions which can aid working in a company as well as developing on existing Node projects.


    The goal is that the student is able to use the tools listed above to develop single-page web applications.

    Being able to use a set of tools to accomplish this. Using a web framework. Using the terminal and Git. The ability to take care of every part of the process. The ability to build larger and scalable projects.


    The goal is that the student is able to use the listed tools and analyse and select a suitable tool for a given task within a web development context.

    The objective is to enable the students to understand the backend / frontend separation and take full-responsibility of developing a full-stack application.

  • Type of instruction
    The course is completely hands-on and theory will be dispersed only when needed. Otherwise live coding is used in every class to gain a fundamental understanding of the moving principles and functionality. Expect lots of small assignments to be given during class.
  • Subject/module requirement for participation

    Academic requirement for participation
    3rd semester web taught in software construction.

    Equipment needed to participate
    Tools: Visual Studio Code

  • Exam

    The learning outcomes of the exam are identical with the learning outcomes of the subject(s)/modul(es)

    Prerequisites for access to the examination
    There is one mandatory activity per 5 ECTS. A 10-ECTS module thus contains two mandatory
    activities, while a 5-ECTS module contains one mandatory activity. This is described in the relevant
    semester/class room on Fronter. Documentation of mandatory activities must be submitted
    via Fronter.
    Exam in one or more subjects
    Subject/module is tested standalone
    Type of exam
    Combined written and oral examination
    You will develop an exam project that you are required to hand in. Both individual and group work is allowed but the exam is individual.

    A typical exam will consist of a demo of the product. You will be asked about the code and more. You will also be asked to live code.
    Individual exam or group exam
    Exam languages
    30 minutes including grading.
    Type of evaluation
    7-point grading scale
    Internal censure
    Exam criteria
    One aggregate grade is awarded based on an overall assessment of the presentation and the
    following examination.
hours of teaching
hours of preparation
The figure shows the extent of workload related to the subject divided into different study activities.

In the subject Full Stack Development with NodeJS you will receive 64 hours of instruction, which corresponds to 85 lessons (1 lesson = 45 min.) and 23% of your total workload for the subject.

The teaching primarily consists of the following activities: classroom teaching, exercises.
The preparation primarily consists of the following activities: reading your own notes, reading the curriculum.

Read about KEAs Study Activity Model

*KEA can deviate from the number of hours if this is justified by special circumstances