Københavns Erhvervsakademi


T05: Dynamiske prototyper (DA)

Engelsk titel
T05: Dynamic Prototypes (DA)
2. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
4 uger
Udd. element
Lygten 16, København NV
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Alan Engelhardt
Herman Bailey
Jens Christian Stanek
Jonas Fannikke Holbech
  • Formål

    The theme builds upon the HTML, CSS and JS skills you have gained throughout 1 st semester, and develop them further by working with more complex multimedia productions.

    Moving from static sites, with static content, we’ll move on to building sites based on dynamic content, content that could change at anytime, content that is hosted separately.

    User tests, in various forms are introduced and conducted as you work on qualifying your designs and tailor the user experience.

    We’ll work with CSS grid and the HTML <template> tag and we’ll make JavaScript do the heavy lifting.

    Finally, we’ll use Git as a collaboration tool by introducing merging and branching.

    The theme is divided into two sections. During the first two weeks we dive into the technical aspects needed for dynamic sites, and in the final two weeks, we do three iterations on the case.

    User interface development :
    The subject area comprises the design and development of digital solutions with
    special emphasis on the production of user interfaces. The focus is on all aspects of
    the development process based on common development methods, including
    planning, design and production of digital media tasks.

    Here you’ll learn:
    • More HTML <template>
    • Vanilla Javascript (arrays, loops, objects literals, DOM manipulation)
    • JSON
    • AJAX
    • intro til API's and Git.

    Content production:
    The subject area comprises content production for selected digital media. The focus
    is on understanding digital media and relevant types of content as well as on the
    dissemination and use of data.

    Here you’ll learn:
    - A vast amount of digital content is still written words - even though video and
    other content formats are rapidly taking over. Therefore knowledge about how
    to build text and write for interactive digital media is(still) a must - and as such
    writing for web will be a part of the teaching (and your learning) throughout
    this theme. An essential part of generating content for digital, interactive
    media is an understanding of the “nature” of interactive media - in essence
    the interactive part. Therefore a part of the teaching will also deal with how to
    generate a chose about information hierarchy (information architecture). As
    helping tools for getting to know about this and being able to frame your
    findings and knowledge we will also teach Flowchart and Wireframes.

    The subject area comprises understanding and exploration of technologies that form
    part of digital media products and digital media production.

    Here you’ll learn:
    • JSON
    • AJAX
    • Introduction to API's
    • Git as a collaboration tool

    Here you’ll learn:
    How to build more complex multimedia productions based on dynamic content which
    is hosted separately. More specifically you will learn how to present dynamic
    content/data via templates, json and ajax.


    User interface development :
    • of key methods and tools related to project management and estimation of digital media productions.
    • of key and current programming paradigms for programming complex digital user interfaces, and the ability to account for the choice of programming practice based on practice.
    • of the methods and theories applied in the profession for the presentation of data.

    Content production:
    • of the methods and theories applied in the profession for complex digital content production.

    • understanding of the technologies used to store and exchange data, and the ability to account for the choice of technologies based on practice.


    User interface development :
    • assess and argue in favour of the value-adding nature of solutions for digital user interfaces.
    • select and apply key principles, technologies and methods to the programming of complex digital user interfaces.
    • assess and process given visual material to ensure consistency in a digital media production.
    • apply key technologies, methods and formats for exchanging and presenting data.


    • identify relevant theories, methods and tools for the execution of complex
    digital media productions.
    • acquire new knowledge and skills within the programming and design of
    complex user-centred user interfaces.
    • identify relevant theories, methods and tools for the production of complex
    digital content in teams.
    • acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies within the design and
    production of complex digital content.

  • Undervisningsform og udfoldelse af læringsmål
    This theme consists of two to-week modules. The first two weeks will focus on the “technical” part of creating a dynamic website (JS, JSON and AJAX), while the last two weeks will focus more on how to create content for this type of website and you will be working on an interdisciplinary group project creating a dynamic online version of the MMD curriculum. For more details, see the schedule.

    You will be working individually on most of the exercises during the first two weeks while the last two week is organized as an interdisciplinary group project.
    Individual modules includes both various smaller exercises and tasks, as well as two larger assignments. Requirements for and details on what, how, and where to hand-in tasks and assignments will be described in the task and assignment descriptions found on Fronter after having been presented in class. Short overview listed below.

    Between lectures you are expected to work on theme-related activities. Lectures are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. There are no lectures on Wednesdays, but Tutors will be present in the cantina. 40 hours per week is the work norm.
  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves med flg. fag
    Målet er at udprøve den studerendes forståelse af teori, metode og redskaber, som er opnået gennem deltagelse i det obligatoriske fagelementer: Design og programmering af digitale brugergrænseflader 2 og Design og programmering af digitalt indhold 2.

    Prøven skal vise
    • at den studerende kan kommunikere til samarbejdspartnere,
    • kan udvikle et interaktivt digitalt produkt under hensyntagen til interessenter
    • kan gennemføre et projekt i et team.
    Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve
    Prøven dækker 2. semesters nationale fagelementer. Der tages udgangspunkt i produkt, rapport og proces.

    Prøven består af tre elementer:
    4. Præsentation
    5. Eksamination
    6. Votering og meddelelse af karakterer.

    De specifikke krav til prøvens varighed offentliggøres på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner og tilgår censor.
    Projektarbejdet skal være tværfagligt og problemorienteret. Det skal resultere i en fungerende digital prototype og en rapport, der dokumenterer udviklingsarbejdet og produktet.

    De nærmere krav til projektet beskrives på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner, og beskrivelsen skal sikre, at væsentlige områder af 2. semesters undervisning bredt kombineres. Projektbeskrivelsen definerer krav til gruppestørrelse, produktomfang og procesdokumentation. Projektbeskrivelsen gøres tilgængelig for de studerende, eksaminator og censor ved projektperiodens start.
    En fungerende digital prototype og en projektrapport. Rapporten må have et omfang på maksimalt 18 normalsider for 1 studerende + 8 normalsider pr. ekstra gruppemedlem. Forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste og bilag tæller ikke med i det maksimale sideantal.

    En normalside er 2.400 anslag inklusive mellemrum og fodnoter.
    Ved rapporter udarbejdet i en gruppe skal den enkeltes bidrag tydeligt fremgå.
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Individuel- eller gruppeprøve, 1-5 maks. deltagere
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    7-trins skala
    Ekstern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    Prøven bedømmes efter 7-trinsskalaen af eksaminator og ekstern censor. Der gives en individuel karakter ud fra en helhedsvurdering af rapport, digital prototype, præsentation og individuel eksamination. Præstationen bedømmes i forhold til opfyldelse af formål og læringsmål på 2. semester, som beskrevet i studieordningen.
  • Yderligere information
    Hand-ins and feedback
    05.01.01. Link to Static Restaurant Site.
    05.01.02. Link to Dynamic Restaurant Site.
    05.02.01. 1 st Iteration (structure + content incl. wireframes)
    05.02.02. 2 nd iteration (incl. BERT test documentation/results)
    05.02.03. 3 rd iteration (incl. Think aloud test documentation/results)

    Evaluation of the students:
    Each of the three iterations are evaluated.
    1 st iteration, Expert Review. Each project is presented briefly to the teachers, and they provide their opinion on the current state, as well as suggestions for the next iteration.
    2 nd iteration, user test. The 2 nd iteration is evaluated by conducting tests. One tests is
    conducted on your fellow students, another on 1st semesters students.
    The final and 3 rd iteration is a pitch. You pitch your project to the class/teachers. Due to the high amount of students, the class is separated in two.
    Theme evaluation:
    The standard theme evaluation will be used.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget T05: Dynamiske prototyper (DA) modtager du 54 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 72 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 33% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.