Københavns Erhvervsakademi


Valgfag: Frontend Design (EN)

Engelsk titel
Elective: Frontend Design (EN)
3. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
1 semester
Udd. element
Lygten 16, København NV
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Keld Møller Marple
  • Formål

    The purpose of the elective is to qualify the student to work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create advanced interactive web applications.


    • developing using a commonly used package manager for managing complex applications
    • a version control system for sharing of knowledge, specifically for collaborative work
    • core technologies and methods for data persistence in web applications
    • how to enhance affordance using animations and/or visual means
    • creating user stories to document how the user interacts with the solution
    • aesthetic means and ethical considerations in frontend design
    • dynamically created graphical elements
    • legal and ethical guidelines and how new technology changes expectations, values and
    business practices
    • estimating resource requirements in planning a task
    • the current web technology landscape of tools and frameworks
    • how to stay up to date with digital trends and technologies


    • solve complex problems in relation to the DOM / CSSOM using JavaScript
    • use core web technologies to create complex interactive user-interfaces
    • use and understand existing design systems, and UI frameworks
    • plan, document, and communicate user-interface implementations, using core methods
    and standards
    • automate optimisation of websites for fast delivery, including content optimisation
    • create engaging forms and interactions that provide relevant feedback to the user
    • create Data Visualisations to present complex data
    • plan and create content and prepare it for presentation and scripting
    • use methods and selected tools for digital marketing
    • identify and test the current state of available technologies, as well as up-and-coming
    • experiment with new cutting-edge features/frameworks/tools, and plan for learning more


    • in teams, or individually, plan and develop complex user interfaces related to user
    experience, content, business and technology
    • identify, acquire and develop their own skills and knowledge in relation to a specified
    subject area and communicate these to external stakeholders
    • enter into development-oriented and/or interdisciplinary work processes
    • identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and tools for implementing
    complex digital media productions

  • Undervisningsform og udfoldelse af læringsmål
    Undervisningen gennemføres som en kombination af holdundervisning, forelæsninger, workshops, studiekredse, øvelser, større projektarbejder og ikke mindst vejledning. Tilrettelæggelsen af undervisningen tager udgangspunkt i relevant erhvervspraksis og anvendt teori.
  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen
    At KEA, several of the hand-ins during third semesters are mandatory and must be handed in before the student can sit the corresponding exams. The detailed requirements for hand-ins and a description of which assignments are mandatory can be found on the learning platform for Multimedia Design at the beginning of the semester.
    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves selvstændigt
    The purpose of the exam is to test students’ understanding of theory, methods and tools relevant to the elective subject. The exam project is to be prepared in groups of 2 to 4 students.
    The project work must be interdisciplinary and problem-oriented. The project must result in a functional digital prototype and a report documenting the development process and the product.
    Mundtlig prøve
    An oral individual exam based on a joint presentation or a group exam based on an exam project.
    The exam is held at the end of the third semester.

    The exam consists of
    • Presentation
    • Examination
    • Grading
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    7-trins skala
    Intern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    The exam will be assessed by one or more examiners according to the 7-point grading scale. Students receive one grade based on an overall assessment of the product, documentation report, presentation and examination. The assessment of the performance is a reflection of students’ understanding and presentation of the learning objectives for the third semester, as described in the curriculum.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget Valgfag: Frontend Design (EN) modtager du 320 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 426 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 39% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: projektarbejde.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.