T09: Persuasive Content (EN)
2019/2020- Formål
The purpose of the elective is to qualify the student to undertake the design and
production of audiovisual content, focusing on ideation, communication, storytelling
and strategic content production across media platforms.
The elective will focus on the user experience across digital media platforms, the
creation of video content & marketing, immersive UX, data visualisation, animation /
explainers, social media content, interface design & CMS, exploring digital media
trends with the purpose of creating targeted digital content.
User interface development :
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital solutions with
special emphasis on the production of user interfaces. The focus is on all aspects of
the development process based on common development methods, including
planning, design and production of digital media tasks.
- Methods and techniques for the planning, organisation of the process
and design of user interfaces for different media platforms.
- Core theory and terminology for design and storytelling in relation to
interface design to different platforms, including immersive user
- Basic knowledge about publishing and distribution to different
- Data and data formats as well as persistent data in relation to CMS
- Apply methods and techniques for creating and implementing
interactive infographics and dynamic data visualizations
- Apply methods and techniques for the creating and implementing story
driven motion graphics / animations for different platforms and user
- Developing innovative user interfaces with immersive content
- Templating and customising CMS-based web solutions"
- In teams, or individually, students can plan and develop complex user
interfaces (related to user experience, content, business and
technology) for an external stakeholder
- Can identify, acquire/develop and document their own skills and
knowledge in relation to a specific subject area (I can learn new stuff)
- Can Identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and
tools for implementing complex digital media productions
- Identity and reflect on own competencies and communicate these to
external stakeholders using relevant professional terminology
Here you’ll learn: How to design, construct, and produce various user
interfaces in relation to the subject areas user experiences of 360 video, VR/
AR, data visualisation, motion graphics, and video.
User experiences:
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital experiences with a
focus on understanding the user, the user’s interaction with solutions as well as on
evaluating and testing solutions, including the use of data.
- Methods of user involvement in the development / design process.
- Aesthetic means and different strategies for storytelling and content
dissemination across media platforms as well as dramaturgical /
narrative structures for disseminating content and message.
- Carry out tests of different user interfaces & content (eg. new interfaces
& context, screening etc.).
- Use methods for designing engaging and immersive user experience
(transition between different form of extended reality)
- In teams, or individually, students can plan and develop complex user
interfaces (related to user experience, content, business and
technology) for an external stakeholder
- Can identify, acquire/develop and document their own skills and
knowledge in relation to a specified subject area (I can learn new stuff)
- Can Identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and
tools for implementing complex digital media productions
- Identity and reflect on own competencies and communicate these to
external stakeholders using relevant professional terminology
Here you’ll learn: How to develop storytelling with focus on UX and with a
strategic aim. How to understand and test the user experiences of different
audio visual experiences.
Content production:
The subject area comprises content production for selected digital media. The focus
is on understanding digital media and relevant types of content as well as on the
dissemination and use of data.
- Aesthetic means and narratives for the dissemination of linear and
interactive content with a specific intention (for that purpose).
- Idea and format development. Recording, editing, publishing of content
for different platforms.
- Plan and complete production of different audio visual formats, with
production value (focusing on eg. sound design, color grading, basic
- Use methods and techniques for production and post production
targeted towards various media platforms, including digital workflow
and documentation from pre- to post-production.
- In teams, or individually, students can plan and develop complex user
interfaces (related to user experience, content, business and
technology) for an external stakeholder
- Can identify, acquire/develop and document their own skills and
knowledge in relation to a specific subject area (I can learn new stuff)
- Can Identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and
tools for implementing complex digital media productions
- Identity and reflect on own competencies and communicate these to
external stakeholders using relevant professional terminology
Here you’ll learn: practical and theoretical tools to qualify the the production
value and aesthetic of audiovisual content. How to produce content for
immersive experience. How to combine different audio visual components.
The subject area comprises business models, data understanding, the basis of
existence of a business and the multimedia designer’s role in the value chain.
- Legal and ethical guidelines and how new technology changes
expectations, values and business practices.
- How to plan and create an estimate for a task
- Use methods and selected tools for digital marketing ( eg. Video
marketing, SoMe / Facebook Advertising, Email Marketing, SEM:
Google Adwords and or SEO).
- In teams, or individually, students can plan and develop complex user
interfaces (related to user experience, content, business and
technology) for an external stakeholder
- Can identify, acquire/develop and document their own skills and
knowledge in relation to a specific subject area (I can learn new stuff)
- Can Identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and
tools for implementing complex digital media productions
- Identity and reflect on own competencies and communicate these to
external stakeholders using relevant professional terminology
Here you’ll learn: Use different tools for digital marketing. How new
technology will influence and disrupt future business.
The subject area comprises understanding and exploration of technologies that form
part of digital media products and digital media production.
- Technologies and techniques for the production and execution of
different audiovisual expressions. Including dedicated hardware and
software for content production.
- How to stay up to date with digital trends and technologies
- Use techniques, production equipment / hardware and relevant digital
tools / software in different parts of the production phase (production
and post production), and to different media platforms
- Independent access and use of new technologies (hardware &
- in teams, or individually, students can plan and develop complex user
interfaces (related to user experience, content, business and
technology) for an external stakeholder
- can identify, acquire/develop and document their own skills and
knowledge in relation to a specified subject area (I can learn new stuff)
- can Identify and apply relevant theories, methods, terminology and
tools for implementing complex digital media productions
- Identity and reflect on own competencies and communicate these to
external stakeholders using relevant professional terminology
Here you’ll learn: About the developing technological environment (hardware
and software) of the subjects under consideration. This will include camera
equipment, 360 cameras. Unity and A-frame, - Undervisningsform og udfoldelse
af læringsmål Lectures, group assignments, instruction/hands on, collaborative learning, external
lecturers. Several assignments are made in cooperation with external partners.
We work with a number of different clients, who will help us define both the
assignments and projects. Also, we have external professionals upgrading and
evaluating our work.
Hand-ins and feedback
The semester are divided into several sub-subjects with hand-ins.
Four hand-ins are mandatory to give access to the 3rd semester exam at the end of
the semester.
3rd semester exam requirements / hand-ins (confer with week plan):
● Videomarketing production
● 360 degrees video production
● Datavizualisation / CMS
● VR & AR (3D) (includes participation in vernissage) - Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
Participation is based on your knowledge and skills and competences obtained
during the regular modules on Multimedia Design, or similar skills obtained
elsewhere, and evaluated as sufficient by the teachers.
Acceptance to the second year of MMD education.Materielle forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
● Unity 3D (free) latest version,
● Playmaker plugin for unity 3D
● Adobe: After Effects, Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Audition, illustrator
● Da Vinci (free)
Students are welcome use their own digital Camera.
Google cardboard VR glasses or equivalent. - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesFaget/modulet prøves selvstændigtPrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøveOpgavetypeHow can new & rich media content accessed by digital media be used to persuade users to change their attitudes and behaviour - and how can the new media formats be used to create empathy and a tight emotional bond between the content of the communications and the receivers?
While communicating, we often search for the best way to manipulate and change people’s thoughts, attitudes, and behaviour. New & rich media seem to be ideal for the purpose of persuasion.
Your task is to create a variety of new & rich media content for a campaign for an existing NGO , using different content types, genres and platforms introduced during this semester. The content can be conducted with focus on rhetorical means, ethical issues, or/and immersive approach. The goal is to create awareness, spread the message, include the user, and/or maintain loyalty to the case.
You can choose between three suggested cases/themes or find your own NGO. The only requirement is that the case is a NGO (and a non profit organization).
The campaign material must consist of following components.FormkravThe campaign material must consist of following components.
A campaign webpage presenting the case/subject through different media content. The webpage must function as a placeholder for different media content such as video, data visualization, motion graphic, VR/AR, 360 video.
DataViz :
As a part persuasive content the case/subject must be presented as a data visualization. Either as a linear video or an interactive dataviz.
Digital Marketing:
In order to create awareness, include the user, or maintain loyalty, your project must include at least one of the tools from the “digital marketing toolbox”. Either Facebook Ads, Email marketing, SEO or Google Ads.
Media content types
In addition to the mandatory data visualization, your selection of media content must also consist of one content type from options A/B/C and one content type from options D/E.
A. Explainer
B. Storytelling video: a campaign / Marketing video.
C. Cinemagraphs
D. VR experience (Unity, WebVR/A-frame, or both). The VR experience must function on a computer.
E. 360 video.
Note: you are more than welcome to mix and create a hybrid between different content types (e.g mix VR with linear video).
According to the platform of exposure the media content should include some kind of Call-To-Action, lead generation, donation, subscription, or vote/give your opinion.
You are welcome to include SoMe content for other platforms than facebook, e.g.
Instagram, Twitter etc..
Media Documentation
The webpage must include a subpage with the title “content portfolio” containing all
the different content elements that your group has used as part of your project.
● Content Portfolio - Mandatory
○ Process video. max 3 min. documentation video of the project process consisting of sketches, progression etc.
○ Data Visualisation
● Content Portfolio - Optional (dependent on your content type choices)
○ Campaign video
○ Explainer
○ 360 video
○ Cinemagraphs
○ VR/AR experience must be documented and presented as a linear video export of max. 2 minutes from within the 3D universe or AR experience.
All videos must be uploaded to the MMD channel, and submitted to the playlist
● Autumn2018 - Persuasive content.
● Login/Access code to MMD Youtube channel:
○ Gmail: mmdcopenhagen@gmail.com
○ Gmail password: mmdmultimedia_new1
● NB. due to new google security issues, you can experience problems uploading to youtube if you are NOT located on Lygten 16.
● All content must be copyright free or licensed for your specific use.
All video must end with a 10 sec. pre-roll with the text:
● “Denne video er produceret som en ca seopgave på Multimediedesigner-uddannelsen ved Københavns Erhvervsakademi (KEA)”
● “This video is made as a student project from the Multimedia Design
Education at Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA)”
All videos must be named using the following syntax "group number, type of media
content, title”. Example: " group04_explainer_nightwitch”.
Format: PDF
● Number of pages : 18 (for 2 people) + 3 pages for each additional group members. One page is equivalent to 2400 characters (incl. space & footnotes).
● The Front page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices are not included in the maximum number of pages.
● Charts and graphs account for 500 characters each. Screenshots, illustrations and photos do not count.
Naming convention:
● The naming of PDF report must have the following syntax
○ "groupnumber_title”.
○ Example: "Group04_Nightwatch”.
● Title
● Name of group members
● Link to webpage (check that your PDF link is working correctly)
● Description of problem area.
● Concept description & name of your campaign
● User group: description & insights
● Thoughts and models to explain your lead generation
● Visualization of Customer journey/Customer journey mapping
● Storyboard (Linear and 360/VR)
● Previz
● Reflection based on theories that you have learned during this semester. e.g. Dramaturgi, Storytelling components, 360 video paradigm, Rhetorical means, Semiotics, UX, User Journey, ECS model, B.J Fogg, Microsuation & macrosuation, Ieza-model, etc.
● Reflections about how you (and your group) have managed and allocated your time and effort in relation to the five subject areas: user interface development, user experience, content production, business, and technology.
● Relevant code examples that you have created: HTML, Web/VR, A-frame, Unity/PlayMaker coding etc.
Digital marketing documentation:
● Facebook ads must be documented with screen dumps from the facebook
power editor in your report.
● SEO must be documented with code examples.
● Google Ads must be documented with screendumps from the Google adword tool.
● Email Marketing must be documented with screendumps from mailchimp, and links to example of e.g. popup formulas.Individuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuel- eller gruppeprøve, 1-4 maks. deltagereAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskVarighedTime allocated to each group member:
● 5 minutes pr. group member for a joint presentation
○ Screening/viewing of media content:
■ If you have made a VR/AR product we encourage you to prepare a real time presentation in Cardboard for censor and examinator. (have cardboard, mobile phones etc. ready and enough for both examinator and censor).
■ In case there are technical problems, ensure that the experience also runs on a normal laptop computer.
● 20 minutes individual examination: Questions & discussion.
● 5 minutes grading.Bedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Intern censur
På faget T09: Persuasive Content (EN) modtager du 223 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 297 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 27% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.