New Business With a Circular Mindset (Eng)
2022/2023- Formål og læringsmål
Entre-/intrapreneurial mindset. Incorporating the insights from all integrated value-chains, based on circular economic
structure. We will be working with Osterwalder’s theories and methodologies whilst analyzing and mapping environmental
data. We will also focus on how to integrate the customer journey and general service-design of the chosen
business/or idea. We will work with Roger Everett’s Diffusion of innovation aligned with the previously taught Design
Thinking process.the possibilities offered by the trade
in the areas of circular economy and and disseminate communication
tools for the optimisation of a
company’s value and supply chain.the possibilities offered by the trade
in the areas of circular economy and
ethics.gain insight into all of a company’s
flow of goods.
optimize the flow of goods to all
sales channels using an innovative
communicate production demands
(required qualities, print techniques
and trimmings)* and establish control
parameters. *) not included in the learning objectives for this module. - Undervisningsform
Lectures and class discussions
- Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesPresentation of projectPrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøveIndividuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuelAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskBedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Intern censur
På faget New Business With a Circular Mindset (Eng) modtager du 50 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 66 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 36% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af pensum.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.