Copenhagen School of Design and Technology


Consulting and Professional Services Management

Danish title
Consulting and Professional Services Management
Study programme
Business Economics & Information Technology
Type of education
Full time education
Level of education
Bachelor Programme
5. semester
Duration of the subject/module
1 semester
Programme elements
Start time
Guldbergsgade 29 N, København N
Subject number
Responsible for the subject(s)/modul(es)
Lars Brøndum
Henrik Kraght
  • Type of instruction
    Vi underviser med en blanding af forelæsninger og gruppearbejde. I løbet af kurset forventes de studerende at deltage aktivt i diskussioner af teorier og cases. Øvelserne skal give de studerende en praktisk oplevelse baseret på casestudier og eksempler fra den virkelige verden. Eksterne fra professionelle servicevirksomheder vil blive inviteret til at holde gæsteforelæsninger
  • Exam

    The learning outcomes of the exam are identical with the learning outcomes of the subject(s)/modul(es)

    Prerequisites for access to the examination
    Oral exam based on written product. In order to participate in the oral exam, the written product must be handed in before the oral exam, by the set
    deadline. The grade is based on an overall assessment of the written product and the individual oral performance.
    The written deliverable shall not exceed 11 standard pages.
    Exam in one or more subjects
    Subject/module is tested standalone
    Type of exam
    Combined written and oral examination
    Individual exam or group exam
    Individual or group, 1-5 participants
    Exam languages
    Danish (Norwegian/Swedish)
    Type of evaluation
    7-point grading scale
    Internal censure
hours of teaching
hours of preparation
The figure shows the extent of workload related to the subject divided into different study activities.

In the subject Consulting and Professional Services Management you will receive 65 hours of instruction, which corresponds to 86 lessons (1 lesson = 45 min.) and 24% of your total workload for the subject.

The teaching primarily consists of the following activities: classroom teaching, cases, external lectures, interdisciplinary project-based teaching.
The preparation primarily consists of the following activities: reading the curriculum, group work, project work.

Read about KEAs Study Activity Model

*KEA can deviate from the number of hours if this is justified by special circumstances