2024/2025- Type of instruction
Kurset leveres gennem en blanding af praksis, teori og spil samt gennem et projekt, og du bør forvente at udføre praktiske øvelser i et SAP S/4HANA-system under næsten hver undervisningssession.
For at bringe dig tættere på ERP-markedet og dets nyeste trends vil vi desuden besøge SAP Danmarks Experience Center og modtage eksterne foredrag fra førende SAP-konsulentfirmaer.
Undervisningen foregår på dansk ,men undervisningsmaterialet er primært engelsk. - Subject/module requirement for
Equipment needed to participate
We assume students to have a laptop that runs Windows 10 (or later) or Mac OS X 10.12 (or later).
Older versions of Windows or Mac OS and Linux might work in most cases – but is not supported with help to install open source tools or handle teaching examples.
We assume students have a HDMI-port or miniDVI/lightning port on their laptop.
In a select few teaching situations (not in 1st semester) examples are used, that does not work well with less than 4 GB RAM Memory – for this 8 GB RAM is recommended.
Students will need office software (Microsoft, Apple, Google, or..).
Students need to be able to produce and read pdf-documents, Word-documents, Powerpoint-presentations and Excel-spreadsheets.
There exist a Microsoft cloud version that becomes available when you set up a free one-drive account.
An Internet browser needs to be available (i.e. Chrome or Safari).
We strongly recommend students to have access to Facebook and a private Facebook-account. - Exam
The learning outcomes of the exam are identical with the learning outcomes of the subject(s)/modul(es)
Exam in one or more subjectsSubject/module is tested standaloneType of examWritten examinationIndividual exam or group examIndividualExam languagesEnglishType of evaluation7-point grading scaleExaminersInternal censure
In the subject ERP and SAP S/4 HANA® you will receive 65 hours of instruction, which corresponds to 86 lessons (1 lesson = 45 min.) and 24% of your total workload for the subject.
The teaching primarily consists of the following activities: digital exercises.
The preparation primarily consists of the following activities: reading the curriculum, exercises.
Read about KEAs Study Activity Model
*KEA can deviate from the number of hours if this is justified by special circumstances