Københavns Erhvervsakademi


Webudvikling (EN)

Engelsk titel
Webdevelopment (EN)
Professionsbachelor (top-up)
5. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
4 uger
Udd. element
Lygten 37, København NV
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Christian Ole Kirschberg
Constantin Alexandru Gheorghiasa
  • Formål

    The purpose of this core area is to develop students' competencies to develop contemporary web applications using programming paradigms and taking advantage of current, standardised protocols and the possibilities of the client/server model. Furthermore, students should develop an understanding of basic design and visual communication. This core area should also enable students to design simple user interfaces using aesthetic and communicative principles.


    Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired knowledge about:
    ● fundamental protocols of the World Wide Web
    ● advantages and limitations of client/server architecture
    ● particular characteristics, weaknesses and strengths of different media
    ● communication strategies.


    Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired the skills to:
    ● program and implement a dynamic web application
    ● master basic design principles
    ● apply theories on user friendliness and the skills to plan and conduct user tests
    ● document program structures.


    Upon completion of the course, students should have acquired the competencies to:
    ● analyse a development request with a view to constructing a web-based application
    ● select and apply suitable programming technologies for developing web-based applications — mainly focusing on the client side.

  • Undervisningsform og udfoldelse af læringsmål
    The teaching in the Web Development Programme is a dynamic, interactive process, where the main emphasis is on student participation. The teaching is based on relevant business practice, and links theory and practice. Issues are included from the different types of companies in the IT sector. The student takes responsibility for his or her own learning, and the teachers constructively contribute to the learning process.

    To ensure the optimal academic learning and personal development for each individual student, the Web Development Programme uses varied pedagogy with the main emphasis on dialogue, discussion and projects.

    The teaching is organised so that it is varied, among other things, through class teaching, guest lectures, company visits, project work in groups and individual work – often using interdisciplinary issues and always with an application-orientated basis. The different learning formats will, in addition to the academic content, also develop the student's ability to work both independently and in collaboration with others.

    In general for all of these activities, the course of study always tries to set clear objectives for the learning activities.
  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves selvstændigt
    Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve
    A project report and a product must be submitted.
    The project report, which constitutes the written part of the examination, must contain as a
    • Front page with title, given name and date of birth, class designation and date
    • Table of contents with page numbers
    • Introduction, incl. problem formulation
    • Main section
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography (incl. all sources that the project references to)
    • Appendix (includes just the appendix that is central to the report)
    • All pages must be numbered

    The written project must contain anywhere between a minimum of 10 normal pages and a
    maximum of 30 normal pages.
    1 student - min. 10 - max. 15 pages
    2 students - min. 15 - max. 20 pages
    3 students - min. 20 - max. 25 pages
    4 students - min. 20 - max. 30 pages
    Front page, table of contents, bibliography and appendix are not included in the required total number of pages. Appendixes are not part of the assessment.
    A normal page is 2,400 characters incl. spaces and footnotes. Front page, table of contents,
    bibliography and appendix are not included in the count. Appendixes are not part of the
    Every single figure or diagram counts as 800 characters.
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Individuel- eller gruppeprøve, 1-4 maks. deltagere
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    Presentation - max 10 min.
    Examination- min. 15 min.
    Grading - 5 mi.n
    Total - 30 min.
    7-trins skala
    Intern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    The assessment criterion for the examination is the learning objectives for the compulsory course of study element.
    The learning objectives are stated in the joint curriculum.
    Frist for aflevering
    The examination takes place at the end of each module. Further details about time and location and about submission of the project are available on the student intranet, Fronter.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget Webudvikling (EN) modtager du 68 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 90 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 25% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.