Københavns Erhvervsakademi


Designing for a better shopping experience (EN)

Engelsk titel
Designing for a Better Shopping Experience (EN)
Design & business
Professionsbachelor (top-up)
5. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
3 uger
Udd. element
Guldbergsgade 29 N, København N
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Martin Hesseldahl
Tim Meicker
  • Indhold og læringsmål

    The purpose of the module is to give the student knowledge and skills to research and analyse all the different parts that makes up the holistic shopping experience. It can be a physical shopping experience, for example in a store or a restaurant or it can be a virtual shopping experience. The student will be introduced to how companies use and apply design elements on a strategic level and to how the consumers decode these design elements and use them in the decision process.

    The student will gain knowledge of theories and methods to observe and analyse shopping experiences and obtain skills in identifying and analysing different elements such as colors, scents, sounds and materials that makes up the shopping experience. Lastly the student will learn to communicate an idea through sketching.

    The student will participate in field studies to various places such as stores, cafe’s restaurants and other places, where designed shopping experiences affects the shopping experience.

    The student will be presented to various cases and the student will design or redesign a shopping experience.


    ● Design process
    ● Concept development
    ● Visual communication
    ● Design theory and semiotics
    ● Trendspotting


    ●Complete a design process and work experimental and commercial
    ●Assess and argue choice of material and design
    ●Use visual communication that supports product and concept
    ●Develop innovative and competitive design concepts
    ●Assess and argue for the use of alternative materials
    ●Use innovative methods to problem solving
    ●Use conceptual and commercial methods


    ●Work strategically and innovative independent and in coorperation with others
    ●Handle development-oriented assignments within design and innovation of the company's communications strategy
    ●Handle development and maintenance of the company's brand and concepts
    ●Lead and develop projects at the strategic level

  • Undervisningsform
    The module will be based on lectures, workshops and case-work.
  • Forudsætninger for at deltage i faget

    Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
    The student must be admitted to one of the following Top up specializations within Design & Business in order to choose this elective module:
    ● Brand Design (INT)
    ● Communication Design & Media (INT)
    ● Brand Design (DA)
    ● Communication Design & Media (DA)
    ● Sustainable Fashion (DA)
    ● Fashion Management (DA)

  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves selvstændigt
    The exam is based on a specific assignments within the elective subject area, in which the student will demonstrate an understanding of the practice and the centrally applied theory and method in relation to the elective subject.
    Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve
    The test consists of two elements:
    1. Written documentation of the process (70%)
    2. Oral exam (30%)
    The exam is based on a specific assignment within the field of study of the elective. The student must demonstrate an understanding of practice and key applied theories and methods in relation to the elective. The exam tests the learning objectives for each elective’s specific elements as described in the module description.

    The written exam consists of written documentation of the process. The student will draw this documentation up on an ongoing basis and hand it in before the oral exam. The written part-exam is weighted 70% of the overall mark.

    The oral exam is based on one or more theoretical, methodological and practical module elements along with the student's written documentation of the process. The oral part-exam is weighted 30% of the overall mark.
    The written documentation of the process may be in the form of pictures, products, written presentations or similar. The specific formal requirements for each elective will be defined and made available on Fronter together with the scope of the assignment at the start of the module.
    The oral exam has a duration of 20 minutes. 5 minutes are set aside for the presentation by the student. Another 5 minutes are set aside for a professional dialogue; and finally, the last 10 minutes are set aside for a discussion of the student’s performance, and marking. The specific formal requirements for the oral exam will be available at the start of the module.
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    7-trins skala
    Intern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    The written part-exam is weighted 70% of the overall mark. The oral part-exam is weighted 30% of the overall mark.
    Frist for aflevering
    The written assignment is to be handed in at the end of the module. The oral exam takes place on the last day(s) of the elective. Detailed information will be available on Fronter or WiseFlow.
    Re-examination consists of a written assignment of 8 standard pages + /- 10%, and a portfolio with a number of practical tests and one product as defined by the elective. The re-exam is assessed by an internal examiner according to the 7-point grading scale and must be passed with a minimum grade of 02.
  • Foreløbig litteratur
    Dette er en foreløbig litteraturliste. Der udleveres en endelig litteraturliste i forbindelse med studiestart.
    Will be available at the beginning of the module.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget Designing for a better shopping experience (EN) modtager du 47 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 63 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 34% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde, klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, forberedelse til prøve, prøve.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.