Magazine layout (EN)
2018/2019- Indhold og læringsmål
The module is aimed at students with an large interest in magazine design. Students are introduced to the creative process of magazine design and will learn about the main aspects of creating a magazine concept. Everything from planning the layout, understanding the reader, ranging from deciding on a title to working with all visual content as graphics, illustrations, grids, type and images.
Students will get a thorough understanding of the magazine industry and the whole concept of magazine design from idea to execution.●design theory and semiotics
●knowledge of project management
●trend theory
●knowledge of graphic design
●knowledge of identity
●innovation processesThe student can:
●identify and evaluate tendencies and phenomena in relation to trend theory and social
theory in a historical context,
●prepare a design brief based on research and data,
●use, transform and disseminate knowledge visually,
●apply innovative methods for problem solving,
●apply conceptual and commercial methods,The student can:
●work strategically and innovatively both independently and in cooperation with others
●handle development-oriented assignments within design and ideation - Undervisningsform
This module is a practice-based course combining lectures and research alongside practical workshops to encourage you to experiment with content, format and page layouts, thus guiding you through the process of designing your own magazine project step by step.
The student will be responsible for all visual content. Meaning that all visual content must be made by the student self, anything from illustrations, photos to graphics.
On this module, students will collaborate with the editorial teams from the elective course, Writing for Design and Business. The Writing students will be responsible for the written content while the Layout students will be responsible for visual content. - Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
The student must be admitted to one of the following Top up specializations within Design & Business in order to choose this elective module:
● Brand Design (INT)
● Communication Design & Media (INT)
● Brand Design (DA)
● Communication Design & Media (DA)
● Sustainable Fashion (DA)
● Fashion Management (DA)Materielle forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
Students must have skills in the Adobe Package and since this module is very hands-on make sure to bring materials as pen, pencils, paint, paper, glue, camera etc. - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesFaget/modulet prøves selvstændigtThe exam is based on a specific assignments within the elective subject area, in which the student will demonstrate an understanding of the practice and the centrally applied theory and method in relation to the elective subject.PrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøveThe test consists of three elements:
1. Written documentation of the process
2. Oral exam
3. Voting and notification of grades.OpgavetypeThe oral individual exam is based on one or more theoretical, methodological and practical elements of the module.
Based on the written documentation of the process, which is drawn up and submitted before the oral exam.FormkravDocumentation of process can be handed in as pictures, products, written production and the like. which is defined specifically for the individual elective subject by publishing a task frame at Fronter for PBA Design & Business at the start of the module.
The oral exam is 20 minutes in total. 5 minutes presentation - 5 minutes professional dialogue - 10 minutes voting.
The specific formal requirements for the oral test will be published on Fronter for PBA in Design and Business at the start of the module.Individuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuelAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskBedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Intern censurFrist for afleveringThe written exam must be handed in at the end of the module.
The oral exam is placed on the elective's last day / days. Further information is published on Fronter or WiseFlow for PBA in Design and Business.Syge-/omprøveRe-examination consists of a written assignment of 8 standard pages + /- 10%, and a portfolio with a number of practical tests and one product as defined by the elective. The re-exam is assessed by an internal examiner according to the 7-point grading scale and must be passed with a minimum grade of 02. - Foreløbig litteratur
Dette er en foreløbig litteraturliste. Der udleveres en endelig litteraturliste i forbindelse med studiestart.Will be available at the beginning of the module.
På faget Magazine layout (EN) modtager du 47 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 63 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 34% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde, klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, forberedelse til prøve, prøve.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.