2022/2023- Formål og læringsmål
The purpose of the module is to give the student a strategic and tactical understanding of Social Media and content creation from a business perspective. The student will learn about digital strategy/ social media from different perspectives and will work with both the development of a digital/SoMe strategy and the concrete creative execution of content on different platforms. We will also investigate subjects like influencer strategies, and new SoMe trends and tendencies. Through this module the students will strengthen their skills and competencies within content planning and content creation on relevant social media
VidenThe student will gain knowledge about:
theory, method and practice within verbal and visual communication and dissemination of a company's brand and concept
applied theories and methods to identify and understand user behavior, touch points and the interplay between them
how to identify and explain various communication strategies building bridges between the message of the sender and the needs of the receiverThe student will get the skills to:
apply creative methods and tools for the development of innovative concepts and products.
assess and execute content in relevant touch points and ensure the interaction between them
analyze existing concepts to see how they could be improved in relation to new trends within the industry.The student will learn to:
independently enter into disciplinary and interdisciplinary strategy processes.
discuss strengths and weaknesses of various solutions and choose a final overall strategy.
identify their own learning requirements and structure their own learning in relation to working with strategic development in the company - Undervisningsform
The electives take a practical approach, and you as a student have the opportunity to immerse yourself in focused subject-related areas. Teaching is varied and adapted to the individual electives.
- Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
Only students from Brand Design (DK) og (INT) og Communication Design and media (DK) og (INT) samt Fashion Management (DK) can participate in this elective - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesFaget/modulet prøves selvstændigtPrøveformMundtlig prøveThe duration of the oral examination is a total of 30 minutes, of which 10 minutes are allocated to the examinee's presentation, 10 minutes for professional dialogue and 10 minutes for discussion and grading.Individuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuelAnvendt sprog til prøvenDansk (Norsk/Svensk)VarighedThe duration of the oral examination is a total of 30 minutes, of which 10 minutes are allocated to the examinee's presentation, 10 minutes for professional dialogue and 10 minutes for discussion and grading.Hjælpemidler som stilles til rådighedNoneBedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Intern censurKriterier for prøvevurderingThe exam is assessed on the basis of the specific learning objectives for the elective module.Frist for afleveringAt the end of the module. Date and time will be announced on Fronter and in Wiseflow.Syge-/omprøveAs an ordinary exam and in accordance with current rules, cf. the curriculum. - Foreløbig litteratur
Dette er en foreløbig litteraturliste. Der udleveres en endelig litteraturliste i forbindelse med studiestart.Will be available at the beginning of the module.
På faget SOCIAL MEDIA – STRATEGY AND TACTICS (EN) modtager du 37 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 49 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 27% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: casearbejde, klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: gruppearbejde, indsamling af empiri, læsning af pensum.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.