The resource paradigm of fashion // Part 2 (kun udvekslingstuderende) (EN)
2019/2020- Formål
TTHE RESOURCE PARADIGM OF FASHION // Part 2, takes a methodical, practical, creative and experimental approach to the development of product solutions, production methods, processes, systems and consumption patterns. It is developed on the basis of the future scenarios, concept and design brief from THE RESOURCE PARADIGM OF FASHION // Part 1.
Individual design processes in experiments in 2D and 3D will be carried out, tested and further developed based on a user-oriented approach. In addition, focus is on professional communication of ideas, concepts and solutions as well the reasoning behind the choices. Focus will also be on the student's leaning process and accompanied documentation throughout the module.
In this module, the student acquires knowledge, skills and competencies that enable them to implement sustainable design processes and work experimentally and commercially with product solutions, production methods, processes and systems and communication with the user.
As part of the module, the student hands in and presents the defined assignments. At the same time, the student prepares a sewing.•concept development
•aesthetics and design theory
•argumentation strategyThe graduate can:
•reflect on and argue in favour of relevant theories and methods
•implement a design process based on an experimental and commercial approach
•assess, select and argue in favour of material selection in relation to design - develop innovative, competitive design concepts
•communicate product and concept-related topics on a global scale
•use visual communication to support a product/concept
•analyse and evaluate the current industry and market conditions and organise the design development accordinglyThe graduate can:
•manage development-oriented assignments in design and innovation
•take responsibility for and independently carry out a design and product development process
•analyse and reflect on design and target a concept, company or organisation
•handle trend and culture analyses when arguing for opt-ins and opt-outs during the design process - Undervisningsform og udfoldelse
af læringsmål Teaching is a combination of presentations, exercises/assignments and project work based on a hands-on approach.
- Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
NoneMaterielle forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
The student is expected to bring a laptop with the Adobe Illustrator program installed, appropriate design material, a sewing book, design tools, drawing tools. See FRONTER for a more detailed list. The student should expect expenses in connection with the necessary materials for sewing-up. - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamenSpecialisation module 3 includes 3 mandatory activities
The student is required to hand in a product solution (1) at the end of the module which will be evaluated in class together with the lecturer’s and peers. In addition, the student is also required to hand in a process book (2) at the end of the module which will be evaluated in class together with the lecturer and peers. Students who do not participate in the final oral presentation must instead hand in a written/visual assignment in order to meet the prerequisite requirement. Finally, it is a mandatory requirement that the student hands in Sewing toolkit (3) at the end of the module which will then be commented on and evaluated by the lecturer. There is no substitute assignment for Sewing/design toolkit // Part 2 (3), as it is a prerequisite for the completion of the next module.PrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøveOpgavetypeThe assignment takes as its starting point a specialisation-specific keyword, which will be disclosed at the start of the exam period. Based on the key word, the student formulates a problem which they will elaborate on in a free written paper which must include methods, processes and analyses. During the exam period, the student must carry out empirical work, the analysis of which must form part of the written paper and be further elaborated on at the oral exam.
During the exam period, the student develops a solution and prepares a presentation both of which they will bring along to the oral exam. The solution may be material and/or immaterial. However, it is important that the solution is oriented towards the specialisation and the profession that the student is training for. The quality of the solution should be such as is to be expected of a professional bachelor in Design and Business. There must always be consistency in the corelation between the type of solution, its quality and the professional standard and learning objectives of the line of specialisation.FormkravThe scope of the written paper is 5 standard pages +/-10%. The written paper must, as a minimum, include:
• Table of contents
• Introduction
• Problem formulation
• Method
• Process
• Analysis
• Conclusion
• Source listIndividuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuelAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskVarighedThe oral exam has a duration of 30 minutes. 10 minutes are set aside for the presentation by the student. Another 10 minutes are set aside for a professional dialogue, and finally, the last 10 minutes are set aside for a discussion of the student’s performance, and marking.Hjælpemidler der må medbringesThe student may bring their own notes provided that a copy is handed to the examiner and the co-examiner at the oral exam.Bedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Ekstern censurKriterier for prøvevurderingKnowledge
• trend theory
• anthropological method
• cultures and the history of ideas and sciences
• design theory and semiotics
• argumentation strategy
• future analysis
• innovation processes
• technology and
• communication and rhetoric.
• identify and assess trends and phenomena in relation to trend and social theory and in a historical context
• apply an anthropological approach to the collection of relevant data
• draw up design briefs on the basis of research and data processing
• communicate trends, fashion and lifestyle, in writing and orally
• handle, transform and communicate knowledge visually
• apply innovative approaches to problem solving
• identify the potential for new markets and solutions based on an assessment of the trend and the development of the market
• communicate complex, well-argued and well-documented professional issues across cultures within the field of design, lifestyle and innovation.
• work strategically and innovatively - independently and in cooperation with others
• handle development-oriented assignments in design and idea generation
• manage the development and optimisation of an organisation's communication strategy
• communicate in accordance with a given company's identity and brand and
• prepare written and oral future analytical presentations based on ideological and cultural and theoretical analyses. - Foreløbig litteratur
Dette er en foreløbig litteraturliste. Der udleveres en endelig litteraturliste i forbindelse med studiestart.Will be published on Fronter
På faget The resource paradigm of fashion // Part 2 (kun udvekslingstuderende) (EN) modtager du 41 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 55 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 30% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: projektpræsentation, projektarbejde, øvelser, øvelser i labs/værksteder.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: forberedelse til prøve, prøve, læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.