Københavns Erhvervsakademi


Virksomheden (EN)

Engelsk titel
Understanding Business (EN)
1. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
1 semester
Udd. element
Lygten 37, København NV
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Jesper Nordentoft
  • Formål

    This programme element is dedicated to business understanding in general and creating value in a business. The course addresses the relationship between commerce and information technology. The course focuses on how a systems development organisation addresses the aspects of development, improvement and integration of information systems and information technology.


    The graduate has:
    • development knowledge about how information systems and information technology can improve business processes and develop the business
    • development knowledge about IT implementation and change management
    • understanding of strategic problems in relation to IT investments and IT security
    • understanding of the human interaction in a company


    The graduate can:
    • apply innovative methods focused on project work in practice-related development projects
    • apply key methods to communicate internally and externally
    • assess business processes with a practical bias based on key analysis methods


    The graduate can:
    • manage the relationship between the design of business processes and the design of IT systems
    • participate in project work and work with the stakeholders of IT projects with a professional approach
    • acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies about new technology in a structured context from a professional perspective

  • Undervisningsform og udfoldelse af læringsmål
    Teaching in Computer science is a dynamic, interactive process that focuses on active student participation. Teaching is based on relevant business practices and relates practice to theory. Issues from the various types of business in the IT industry will be drawn upon. Students take responsibility for their own learning, and together with the teachers, they contribute constructively to the learning process.
    Various teaching methods are employed in the Computer science programme to ensure optimum professional learning and personal development. The emphasis is on dialogues, discussions and project work.
    Teaching is organised as a mix of classroom teaching, guest lectures, company visits, project work in groups and individual work – most often with interdisciplinary issues and always from an application-oriented starting point. The different types of learning, together with the academic content, will also help develop the student's ability to work independently and together with others.
    The programme always seeks to set clear objectives for the learning activities.
    Teaching can be organised so as to include teaching material and teaching in a foreign language.
  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Forudsætninger for indstilling til eksamen
    In addition to the submission of a report or product, certain mandatory activities may have to be completed before the student can take part in an exam. In general, there is one mandatory activity for every 5 ECTS credits, except for the internship and the final exam project. Submission of an assignment, a presentation, active participation in the teaching, etc. are all examples of mandatory activities.
    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves med flg. fag
    Second part-exam. External individual oral exam based on a written group project and assessed according to the 7-point grading scale. Students are examined in the four National Programme Elements. A sufficient level must be achieved within each of the four National Programme Elements.
    Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve
    Oral presentation by the student based on the exam report and the product prepared in groups. The project is presented by the project group, 10 minutes per student, however max. 30 minutes— followed by an examination of the individual group members, 30 minutes each, incl. grading.
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Gruppeprøve, 2-4 maks. deltagere
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    7-trins skala
    Ekstern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    Students are given one aggregate grade as an overall assessment of the written and the oral performance.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget Virksomheden (EN) modtager du 68 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 90 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 25% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: gruppearbejde, klasseundervisning.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: gruppearbejde, læsning af pensum.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.