2022/2023- Purpose and learning objectives
The students acquire a basic understanding of microeconomic principles and theories for the purpose of analysing business economics and IT-related issues. This programme element focuses in particular on how market structures and economic mechanisms may influence the decision-making processes of consumers and producers. Finally, the students learn about modern behavioural economic models in addition to the traditional rational optimisation paradigms.
KnowledgeThe student has gained development-based knowledge, understanding and an ability to reflect on applied theories and methods regarding
• key concepts of microeconomics, economic thinking and economic systems
• supply and demand, consumer and producer behaviour, price mechanisms, market interventions and market structuresThe student masters skills related to the use of
• microeconomic theories and price formation models, including short-term and long-term supply and demand
• theories and methods to analyse market efficiency and the impact of market interventions on efficiency as well as producer and consumer surplus
• microeconomic models to be presented to partners and usersThe student is able to handle complex and development-oriented issues in relation to
• financial decision-making based on an understanding and analysis of market efficiency, costs and profit
The student is able to identify their own learning requirements and develop their own knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to
• microeconomics - Type of instruction
- Exam
The learning outcomes of the exam are identical with the learning outcomes of the subject(s)/modul(es)
Exam in one or more subjectsType of examCombined written and oral examinationThe student will be examined in several subjects (Microeconomics, Business Economics, Organisation, Systems Development, Software Construction and Communication). The examination must secure that the examination covers subjects that are not already dealt with in the report.Formal requirementsThe project must be interdisciplinary and problem oriented.
The School lays down the actual requirements for the project, which will combine essential fields of the 3rd semester teaching. The School can make further demands for group size, project scope and process documentation, including requirements for the demonstration of working code and/or the student’s written language skills. The School must secure that the project description is given to the students and the examiners.
Handing in Report
The report must not exceed 15 standard pages plus a maximum of 8 standard pages per group member, excluding appendices. Appendices should be kept to a minimum.Individual exam or group examIndividualExam languagesEnglishDuration1. Individual presentation based on report: 5 minutes.
2. Individual examination: 20 minutes.
3. Discussion of performance and announcement of grade: 5 minutes.
This exam is a common exam for all teaching subjects at 1. semester.Permitted exam aidsA laptop can be used for presentation during the exam.Type of evaluation7-point grading scaleExaminersInternal censureExam criteriaThe student will receive an individual grade for the overall performance covering report,
presentation and individual examination. The evaluation of the performance is based on the
degree to which it complies with the purpose and learning objectives of the subjects, as described in the curriculum.Re-examination and re-examination due to illnessThe exam will be held in the same way as the normal exam. The new project can either be based on the same problem as the original exam project or on a new problem.
In the subject Microeconomics you will receive 62 hours of instruction, which corresponds to 82 lessons (1 lesson = 45 min.) and 45% of your total workload for the subject.
The teaching primarily consists of the following activities: classroom teaching, cases, interdisciplinary project-based teaching.
The preparation primarily consists of the following activities: reading the curriculum, group work, project work.
Read about KEAs Study Activity Model
*KEA can deviate from the number of hours if this is justified by special circumstances