Copenhagen School of Design and Technology


System development 3

Danish title
Systemudvikling 3
Study programme
Business Economics & Information Technology
Type of education
Full time education
Level of education
Bachelor Programme
3. semester
Duration of the subject/module
1 semester
Programme elements
Danish and English
Start time
Guldbergsgade 29 N, København N
Subject number
Responsible for the subject(s)/modul(es)
Jesper Skovsgaard Frederiksen
Heidi Løvhøj Larsen
Tue Hellstern
Mikkel Wessel Nielsen
  • Purpose and learning objectives

    In Systems Development 3, students learn about the planning, documentation and execution of systems development projects. Teaching includes knowledge of system development methods and project management, including agile project management. Furthermore, students learn how to ensure that IT systems are user-friendly (user experience), relevant to the organisation (through IT business analysis and modelling) and well-functioning (through model-based testing and quality assurance).


    The student has gained development-based knowledge, understanding and an ability to reflect on applied theories and methods regarding
    - project management
    - system development methods
    - design of user interfaces and user experience
    - testing and validation of IT systems.


    The student masters skills, including choice of method and communication of solutions, related to
    - use of theories and methods for project management and development of IT systems
    - development of user interfaces in IT systems
    - usability and user experience theory
    - use of theories and methods for quality assurance of IT systems through testing and validation procedures
    - modelling of information flows.


    The student is able to handle complex and development-oriented issues regarding
    - project management methods and IT tools to support projects management, as well as system development models
    - planning, testing and analysis of usability and user experience in interface design and functionality
    - planning of IT systems testing
    - project launch, including preliminary analyses
    - implementation of IT systems.

    The student is able to identify their own learning requirements and develop their own knowledge, skills and competencies in relation to
    - project management
    - IT quality assurance
    - systems development methods
    - user experience.

    The student is able to participate independently in
    - work on the development of IT systems
    - organising and communicating interdisciplinary collaboration and taking responsibility for one of the relevant roles in an agile project model.

  • Type of instruction
    Classroom teaching and exercises, assisted by 3 major cross-disciplinary case assignments in which the course content is intensively used.
  • Subject/module requirement for participation

    Equipment needed to participate
    It is assumed that the student has a laptop running Windows 10 (or later) or Mac OS X 10.12 (or later.

    Older versions of Windows or Mac OS and Linux may work in most cases - but are not supported with help to installing open source tools or handling teaching examples.

    It is assumed that the students have an HDMI port or miniDVI / lightning port on their laptop. In a few teaching situations (not in 1st semester) there will be used examples, that will not work as well with less than 4 GB of RAM - in these cases 8 GB of RAM is recommended.

    The students will need office software (Microsoft, Apple, Google or ..).
    The students must be able to produce and read pdf documents, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel sheets.

    There is a Microsoft Cloud version, that will be available upon registering a free OneDrive account.

    An internet browser must be available (ie. Chrome or Safari).
    We strongly recommend that the students have access to Facebook and a private Facebook account.

  • Exam

    The learning outcomes of the exam are identical with the learning outcomes of the subject(s)/modul(es)

    Exam in one or more subjects
    Subject/module is tested with the following modules
    The exam must show that the student:
    • Can communicate core concepts from Business Strategy, Strategic Marketing, Information
    Technologies, Systems Development, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
    • Can analyse and present a problem related to Business Strategy, Strategic Marketing,
    Information Technologies, Systems Development, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship from an interdisciplinary perspective.
    • Can collect and analyse user and marketing research.
    • Can complete a project in a team with emphasis on relations.
    Type of exam
    Combined written and oral examination
    Portfolio of assignments
    To take the exam, the student must submit all the assignments specified on KEA's learning platform.
    The basis for the examination consists of selected assignments, which together constitute the portfolio of assignments. The assignments have been selected and described in the semester guide, which is available at the start of the semester. The assignments can be prepared individually or in groups.

    Individual oral exam
    The starting point of the oral part of the examination is the portfolio of assignments.
    The oral exam lasts 30 min. incl. grading.
    An overall grade is given according to the 7-point grading scale.
    Individual exam or group exam
    Individual or group, 2-7 participants
    Exam languages
    Danish (Norwegian/Swedish)
    1. Individual presentation based on report: 5 minutes.
    2. Individual examination: 20 minutes.
    3. Discussion of performance and announcement of grade: 5 minutes.
    Permitted exam aids
    A laptop may be brought along to the oral exam to be used for the presentation.
    Type of evaluation
    7-point grading scale
    External censure
    Exam criteria
    The student will receive an individual grade for the overall performance covering the portfolio, presentation and individual examination. The evaluation of the performance is based on the
    degree to which it complies with the purpose and learning objectives of the subjects.
hours of teaching
hours of preparation
The figure shows the extent of workload related to the subject divided into different study activities.

In the subject System development 3 you will receive 105 hours of instruction, which corresponds to 140 lessons (1 lesson = 45 min.) and 38% of your total workload for the subject.

The teaching primarily consists of the following activities: classroom teaching, cases, exercises, group work.
The preparation primarily consists of the following activities: reading the curriculum, group work, exercises, project work.

Read about KEAs Study Activity Model

*KEA can deviate from the number of hours if this is justified by special circumstances