Københavns Erhvervsakademi


T03: Grundlæggende animation (EN)

Engelsk titel
T03: Basic Animation (EN)
1. semester
Fagets/modulets varighed
5 uger
Udd. element
Lygten 16, København NV
Fag- /modulansvarlig
Gullan Strøm Christensen
Julio Garrido
Alan Engelhardt
Birgitte Bay Overgaard
  • Indhold og læringsmål

    Theme description
    The theme contains both individual and group productions. The theme will end out with a small set of interactive animations, an interactive story with focus on the story, a style, character design, animations and interactivity designed for a specific target group. The production will be documented and tested on different stages of development. There will be fundamental teaching in group processes and iterative development.

    The module aims at introducing concepts of basic animation, classic storytelling and character design as well as work with CSS animations and enhanced interactivity through Javascript.

    User interface development
    “This subject area comprises the design and development of digital solutions with special emphasis on the production of user interfaces. The focus is on all aspects of the development process based on common development methods, including planning, design and production of digital media tasks”.

    Here you’ll learn:
    • Drawing graphics with a consistent visual expression and a specific style
    • Sketching and drawing of graphics in Illustrator and Photoshop, that are open for further editing and used in a multimedia production
    • Preparation of storyboard, dramaturgical elements, character sheets and animation principles as the fundament for design decisions in the team and feedback from the teachers.
    • Visual research and inspiration online etc
    • Ideation and brain storming
    • CSS animations and basic Javascript to enhance interactivity
    • Theories and methods used include: pseudo-code and sequence diagrams.
    • Procedural programming, browser’s developer tools, and code flow will be covered, with an emphasis on the students being able to produce their own code
    • Controlling and using videos, audio and images of various types

    User experiences
    “This subject area comprises the design and development of digital experiences with a focus on understanding the user, the user’s interaction with solutions as well as on evaluating and testing solutions, including the use of data”.

    Here you’ll learn:
    • Peer review as a preliminary test (conducted with fellow students)
    • Production of animations that enhances the user experience and communication

    Content production
    “This subject area comprises content production for selected digital media. The focus
    is on understanding digital media and relevant types of content as well as on the
    dissemination and use of data”.

    Here you’ll learn:
    - Production of spritesheets to be animated with CSS
    - Revisit the production and edition of sound and video

    “This subject area comprises business models, data understanding, the basis of
    existence of a business and the multimedia designer’s role in the value chain”.

    Here you’ll learn:
    • Start using Kanban Charts (as part of the SCRUM method)
    • The first few collaboration rules for successful teamwork
    • Work with multimedia designers central work areas like: Define, plan, design,
    implement and test a simple multimedia production.

    “This subject area comprises understanding and exploration of technologies that form part of digital media products and digital media production”.

    Here you’ll learn:
    To code CSS animations and access the browser’s DOM to enhance interactivity. To use Illustrator to create characters for a story. To use screen recording to document the developing process and the digital production.

    Here you’ll learn:
    The basics of group dynamics and teamwork. Ideation process in teams. Work with
    sketches, worksheet, storyboard and Kanban chart to document and plan the digital


    User interface development
    • knowledge of a practice-oriented development methods for digital media production
    • knowledge of practice-oriented design processes and documentation forms used in digital media productions
    • knowledge of digital exchange formats currently used in digital media productions
    • knowledge of basic methods for modelling, structuring and developing digital user interfaces

    User experiences
    • an understanding of the methods applied by the profession in connection with user testing of digital productions

    Content production
    • knowledge of basic methods and theories regarding user understanding within digital content production.

    • knowledge of the multimedia designer’s role in the value chain in digital productions

    • knowledge of the key technologies applied by the profession in connection with the production of digital content


    User interface development
    • apply basic theories, methods and tools to the design and development of user interfaces
    • apply basic modelling and structuring methods in the development of digital user interfaces

    User experiences
    • plan and conduct user tests of digital media productions, including selection of the right user test for a given digital media production

    Content production
    • produce basic-level digital content based on user understanding and based on a given strategic brief

    • apply basic theories, methods and tools for managing simple multimedia productions of relevance to professional practices in the field


    • participate in interdisciplinary work processes in connection with the design and development of digital content
    • under supervision, acquire basic knowledge, skills and competencies within the design and development of digital content .
    • participate in interdisciplinary work processes in connection with the design and development of digital user interfaces
    • under supervision, acquire basic knowledge, skills and competencies within the design and development of digital user interfaces .

  • Undervisningsform
    In this theme you’ll work with many small individual assignments and there will be in class some time to work on them with teachers present to coach you. The assignments will take you through most of the tools and methods to use in development of multimedia. There will also be a group project were you’ll practice to develop an interactive multimedia production in collaboration with team members.

    You can only learn code if you actually code. Therefor the coding part will, apart from traditional teaching, use a lot of external, self-teaching resources, among others:
    ● freecodecamp.com, the JavaScript track as the primary source
    ● Lynda.com as secondary
    ● Various interactive tests, such as http://flukeout.github.io/
  • Forudsætninger for at deltage i faget

    Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
    We expect that you know:
    Basic html and css
    How to record sound and do some basic video editing.
    How to sketch ideas
    Some ways of testing your ideas and the suggestions for solutions.

    Materielle forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
    You must also have the necessary software and online access to produce multimedia
    content (Photoshop, Illustrator, Adobe XD, login to lynda.com, personal web domain.

  • Prøve

    Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål

    Faget prøves
    Faget/modulet prøves med flg. fag
    Målet er at udprøve den studerendes forståelse af teori, metode og redskaber, som er opnået gennem deltagelse i det obligatoriske fagelementer: Design og programmering af digitale brugergrænseflader 1 og Design og programmering af digitalt indhold 1.

    Ved denne prøve præsenterer den studerende ét eller flere produkteksempler, som er afleveret på 1. semester. Gennem studiet på 1. semester arbejder den studerende med at etablere en digital portefølje, med produkteksempler fra undervisningen. Porteføljen danner udgangspunkt for 1. semester prøven
    Kombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøve
    Mundtlig individuel prøve med udgangspunkt i ét eller flere produkteksempler, som er afleveret på 1. semester.

    Prøven består af tre elementer:
    1. Præsentation
    2. Eksamination
    3. Votering og meddelelse af karakterer.

    De nærmere oplysninger om prøvens varighed offentliggøres på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner.
    Individuel eller gruppeprøve
    Anvendt sprog til prøven
    7-trins skala
    Intern censur
    Kriterier for prøvevurdering
    Prøven bedømmes af en eller flere eksaminatorer i henhold til 7-trins skalaen. Der gives en individuel karakter ud fra en helhedsvurdering af digital portefølje, præsentation og individuel eksamination. Præstationen bedømmes i forhold til opfyldelse af formål og læringsmål på Design og programmering af digitale brugergrænseflader 1 og Design og programmering af digitalt indhold 1.
  • Yderligere information
    Hand-ins and feedback
    03.01.01. Your github profile (like: https://github.com/me/): Approved/Not
    03.01.02. Link to simple animation: A/NA
    03.02.01 PDF to Final work: A/NA
    03.03.01 Your freecodecamp name & handle: A/NA
    03.03.02 Interactive Animation: A/NA
    03.03.03 ProjectPool day 1: A/NA
    03.03.04 ProjectPool day 2: A/NA
    03.04.01 Collaboration Agreement: A/NA
    03.04.02 Personas collage: A/NA
    03.04.03 Storyboard: A/NA
    03.04.04 Summary of Peer review: A/NA
    03.04.05 Link to final interactive production: A/NA
    03.04.06 Link to screen cast documentation: A/NA

    This theme is assessed through the hand ins during the modules. In the 2 week project module you’ll also create a screencast documenting the development process and showing the final interactive scene. The focus will be on how you integrate the given style and piece of music, how you decided to create the scene to convey the story, how you worked with the characters, how you worked with the main animations, micro animations and micro interactions to make make the scene appealing to the specified target group.
timers undervisning
timers forberedelse
Tallene viser omfanget af arbejdsbelastningen relateret til faget fordelt på forskellige studieaktiviteter.

På faget T03: Grundlæggende animation (EN) modtager du 75 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 100 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 36% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.

Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.

Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel

*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.