T06: Brugercentreret design (EN)
2018/2019- Indhold og læringsmål
Theme description
You will work on developing a digital user-centered design solution for a company called Youth for Understanding. You are expected to develop an increased business understanding including analysing the business environment, the market, understanding the role of competitors and business strategy - mainly communication and campaign strategy. You should also get an understanding of the relation between understanding the company and its situation and the choice of media platforms. The theme has an emphasis on digital communication and social media. Furthermore you will work with video and coding the prototype solution.
The main purpose of the theme is to work with user-centered design and user experience (UX). In order to develop a concept that is fulfilling for the company and the user of the company’s products, it is essential to learn how to analyze the market of the company, the business environment, the competitors and in general developing a stronger business understanding - primarily according to digital marketing and communication.
The purpose of the theme is also to develop and build a digital UX-focused prototype of a campaign website for YFU that meets their requirements - as well as producing
one or more video(s) to be used as a part of the campaign.
User interface development:
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital solutions with
special emphasis on the production of user interfaces. The focus is on all aspects of
the development process based on common development methods, including
planning, design and production of digital media tasks.
Here you’ll learn:
We are going to work further on implementing elements from agile, incremental
development methodology (SCRUM).We are also going to work with testing
(usability, think aloud) in order to iterate, refine and optimise the digital media
production (the campaign website) the students are going to develop during the
theme We are going to talk further on - and learn how to prioritise tasks (poker
planning) And we are going to work with Social Media and learn how to - and how
important it is for digital media platforms (both physical, e.g. different screens - but
also digital formats e.g. web sites and social media presence (FB, instagram,
youtube etc.) to be considered as a collective part of the whole communication - and as such argue in favour of the value-adding nature of solutions for digital user
User experiences:
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital experiences with a
focus on understanding the user, the user’s interaction with solutions as well as on
evaluating and testing solutions, including the use of data.
Here you’ll learn:
We are going to work very much in a co-creative mode, where the users and their
preferences are going to be essential for how the campaign is going to be developed
and executed. We are going to visit an elementary school several times where you
will be given the ability to conduct various different tests - both when conceptualising
the campaign and verifying its functionality. We are going to work with surveys, focus
group interviews, Bipolar emotional response test and think aloud testing. You are
going to use your previous obtained knowledge to produce proper personas,
customer journeys and user scenarios to be used when developing your campaign
prototypes. We are going to work with digital touchpoint(s) and the digital user
journey as planning and assessing tools when working with user-centred content
Content production:
The subject area comprises content production for selected digital media. The focus
is on understanding digital media and relevant types of content as well as on the
dissemination and use of data.
Here you’ll learn:
Video as a content format being used when conducting targeted communication
towards stakeholders - here primarily users/customers. We are going to work on
various different media platforms. We are going to discuss and learn about what
different user experiences related to the digital platforms in question might mean to
production of content for the different platforms.
The subject area comprises business models, data understanding, the basis of
existence of a business and the multimedia designer’s role in the value chain.
Here you’ll learn:
You are going to be introduced for different models for analysing stakeholders and
competitors. You are going to conduct your own stakeholder- and competitor analysis
and use obtained data/knowledge for developing a sound (communication) strategy.
You are going to be introduced for and work with The golden circle - a model for
framing a company’s strategic intent - as well as value- and selling propositions to
frame the more strategic intentions and communicative goals of your forthcoming
campaign. And you are going to work with translating the strategic and
communicative intent to a concrete communication campaign.
The subject area comprises understanding and exploration of technologies that form
digital media products and digital media production.
Here you’ll learn:
The technology being used during the theme is first and foremost already obtained
knowledge from previous themes. Students will be encouraged to use their present
programming skills and the tools they already have been taught. But it is not a
requirement that the final solution is programmed. A clickable prototype using e.g.
Adobe XD is equally acceptable.
Working with the digital customer journey and the digital touchpoint of the campaign
initiates a need for considerations about how data should be managed and gained
access to when working with optimising the user experience. This will also be
discussed during the theme.
Within the technology field we will also teach further on the topic video. You will be
taught further on sound and sound editing as well as After effects.
Here you’ll learn:
According to execution of complex digital media productions, you will learn about how
to make and distribute Youtube ads. When working with collecting data from both
users (preliminary interviews about e.g. media habits, concept tests, prototype tesa
and usability tests), client (interview, feedback on midway - and final pitch) and
market (stakeholder- and competitor analysis), you will also learn how to acquire new
knowledge to be used both for creating user interfaces - and complex digital content.User interface development :
• knowledge of key methods and tools related to project management and estimation of digital media productions
• knowledge of the tools and data applied in the profession to optimise digital media production
User experiences:
• knowledge of relevant theories, tools and methods for the design and programming of digital user experiences, and the ability to account for the choice of tools and methods based on practice
Content production:
• knowledge of the methods and theories applied in the profession for complex digital content production
• an understanding of the company’s external environment, including its stakeholders, and the company’s resource base.
• an understanding of the relationship between the business models used and complex digital content production.
knowledge of key technologies for data management in relation to optimising user experiencesUser interface development :
• assess and argue in favour of the value-adding nature of solutions for digital user interfaces
User experiences:
• assess and apply a user-centred method in connection with a digital media production.
• plan and assess project management in user-centred content production
Content production:
• communicate and justify digital solutions for content production to stakeholders from the digital media industry
• apply and combine forms of expression for the design and production of digital user experiences on selected media platformsAll:
• identify relevant theories, methods and tools for the execution of complex digital media productions
• acquire new knowledge and skills within the programming and design of complex user-centred user interfaces.
• acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies within the design and production of complex digital content. - Undervisningsform
This Theme consists of four weeks/modules, which are planned to gradually support each other. Various tools and methods will be introduced to the students when they need them - according to their work flow and development process - e.g. prior to analysing the market and the competitors, the students will be taught a competitor analysis, get to know about stakeholders and how to analyse them. The students will work in groups of ideally 5 (3 - 5) persons in a collaborative teamwork structure, where all team members are obliged to share knowledge and findings, giving every team member the ability to explain every piece of the work e.g. analysis, research, production etc. that other team members might have contributed with.
The working processes and teaching methods will be lectures, individual work, group work, research and reading books/articles, practicing the design process/documentation and producing video and a digital prototype. The students will prepare and conduct different kind of tests from concept to usability and learn the process of presenting the documentation of their process both as written documentation and as a pitch to the client. - Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
It is required that the students have been passing the 1st semester exam and are able to develop responsive and dynamic prototypes using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and git. That the student has skills for creating, testing and improving usability in websites.Materielle forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
It is required that the student is fully equipped with suitable hardware (laptop or alike) and software (common programs) and has bought/downloaded/printed the required literature before the start of the theme. - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesFaget/modulet prøves med flg. fagMålet er at udprøve den studerendes forståelse af teori, metode og redskaber, som er opnået gennem deltagelse i det obligatoriske fagelementer: Design og programmering af digitale brugergrænseflader 2 og Design og programmering af digitalt indhold 2.
Prøven skal vise
• at den studerende kan kommunikere til samarbejdspartnere,
• kan udvikle et interaktivt digitalt produkt under hensyntagen til interessenter
• kan gennemføre et projekt i et team.PrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøvePrøven dækker 2. semesters nationale fagelementer. Der tages udgangspunkt i produkt, rapport og proces.
Prøven består af tre elementer:
4. Præsentation
5. Eksamination
6. Votering og meddelelse af karakterer.
De specifikke krav til prøvens varighed offentliggøres på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner og tilgår censor.OpgavetypeProjektarbejdet skal være tværfagligt og problemorienteret. Det skal resultere i en fungerende digital prototype og en rapport, der dokumenterer udviklingsarbejdet og produktet.
De nærmere krav til projektet beskrives på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner, og beskrivelsen skal sikre, at væsentlige områder af 2. semesters undervisning bredt kombineres. Projektbeskrivelsen definerer krav til gruppestørrelse, produktomfang og procesdokumentation. Projektbeskrivelsen gøres tilgængelig for de studerende, eksaminator og censor ved projektperiodens start.FormkravEn fungerende digital prototype og en projektrapport. Rapporten må have et omfang på maksimalt 18 normalsider for 1 studerende + 8 normalsider pr. ekstra gruppemedlem. Forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste og bilag tæller ikke med i det maksimale sideantal.
En normalside er 2.400 anslag inklusive mellemrum og fodnoter.
Ved rapporter udarbejdet i en gruppe skal den enkeltes bidrag tydeligt fremgå.Individuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuel- eller gruppeprøve, 1-5 maks. deltagereAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskBedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Ekstern censurKriterier for prøvevurderingPrøven bedømmes efter 7-trinsskalaen af eksaminator og ekstern censor. Der gives en individuel karakter ud fra en helhedsvurdering af rapport, digital prototype, præsentation og individuel eksamination. Præstationen bedømmes i forhold til opfyldelse af formål og læringsmål på 2. semester, som beskrevet i studieordningen. - Yderligere information
06.01.01 Collaboration agreement
06.02.01 Concept description - to be used when pitching you concept for YFU."
06.04.01 Process documentation - usertest log (including your design
06.04.02 Final pich for YFU - including an URL to your campaign website and link to
you video(s)"
06.01.01 A/NA on Fronter by JEC
06.02.01 A/NA on Fronter by JEC and KMAM and oral feedback by YFU
06.04.01 A/NA on Fronter and oral feedback by IDWH and KMAM
06.04.02 A/NA on Fronter by JEC and IDWH - and oral feedback by YFU, JEC and
Assessment of the students
All submissions to Fronter, submitted prior to deadline will be assessed and judged Accepted or not Accepted (A/NA). The midway pitch as well as the final pitch will be assessed orally by representatives from YFU and the present teachers.
The submission “design process - user test log (including design documentation)” (06.04.01) will also be assessed orally during coach meetings with the individual work teams.
Assessment of the theme
The standard theme evaluation will be used.
På faget T06: Brugercentreret design (EN) modtager du 54 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 72 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 33% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.