T07: CMS (EN)
2018/2019- Indhold og læringsmål
Many businesses and organisations have succeeded in establishing websites that contain large volumes of well written and well designed content that could be seen as a valuable resource. It is therefore important that the data/information is also well structured so that new content can be added in an logical/intuitive manner. For these reasons, many forms of content management system (CMS) exist. To give you an introduction to how such systems can be used, you will work with WordPress (WP), which is one of the most popular open source CMS solutions for database-driven websites. In contrast to theme 5, where you learned how to build websites that use JSON to access static data stored at a separate online location, in this theme you will access data from a content management system. During theme 6, you learned about used-centred design. In this theme you will again work to develop a solution that satisfies the identified needs of the target users.
User interface development :
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital solutions with special emphasis on the production of user interfaces. The focus is on all aspects of the development process based on common development methods, including planning, design and production of digital media tasks.
Here you’ll learn:
The theme will be centered around Wordpress - a popular content management system (CMS) - as a tool both to handle an extensive amount of data that can be extracted and used for smaller specialised websites (web-apps) as well as a tool to handle the media content of a website. For handling data exchange between the different sites, JSON will be applied.
User experiences:
The subject area comprises the design and development of digital experiences with a focus on understanding the user, the user’s interaction with solutions as well as on evaluating and testing solutions, including the use of data.
Here you’ll learn:
Applying professional argumentation for your choices based on the knowledge you have obtained from your research will prepare you for communicating your ideas for business partners and stakeholders. Weekly meetings between the groups and teachers will help you focus on explaining why you do what you do.
Content production:
The subject area comprises content production for selected digital media. The focus is on understanding digital media and relevant types of content as well as on the dissemination and use of data.
Here you’ll learn:
Basic knowledge of content production in the form of photography.
The subject area comprises business models, data understanding, the basis of existence of a business and the multimedia designer’s role in the value chain.
Here you’ll learn:
You will be working with Trello, git and github as group and project management
The subject area comprises understanding and exploration of technologies that form part of digital media products and digital media production.
Here you’ll learn:
We will be working with the Wordpress REST API as a data management
Here you’ll learn:
You will be expected to work independently in groups under teacher supervision. You will be introduced to Wordpress, JSON and Javascript to handle as well as other topics in the process, and you will be expected to apply these techniques and develop your knowledge and skill set through the development of the project.User experiences:
• knowledge of key methods and theories regarding digital user experiences, and the ability to account for the choice of tools and methods based on practice.
Content production:
• knowledge of the methods and theories applied in the profession for complex digital content production
• knowledge of key technologies for data management in relation to optimising user experiencesUser interface development :
• apply and document key design processes in complex digital media productions, and
communicate them to stakeholders from the digital media industry
• apply key technologies for handling and displaying digital content
• apply key technologies, methods and formats for exchanging and presenting data.
User experiences:
• communicate and explain solutions for digital user interfaces to business partners
• apply key theories, methods and tools for the production of digital user experiences
• plan and assess project management in team-based digital media productions
• apply key tools and data to optimise digital media productionAll:
• identify relevant theories, methods and tools for the execution of complex digital media
• acquire new knowledge and skills within the programming and design of complex user-centred user interfaces.
• identify relevant theories, methods and tools for the production of complex digital content in teams
• acquire new knowledge, skills and competencies within the design and production of complex digital content. - Undervisningsform
Throughout the theme you will be working in groups. The theme is designed to mix lectures, exercises with independent group work as an important part of the learning experience. Several scheduled group meetings with the teachers are also considered a part of the learning experience as this will be a time for reflection upon your work and your opportunity to practice arguing for your professional decisions in the project.
- Forudsætninger for at deltage i
Faglige forudsætninger for at deltage i faget
● All criteria from 1st semester
● Knowledge, skills and competences from ‘T5’ and ‘T6’
● Using JSON to deliver dynamic content to external websites and services.
● Using the <template> tag to integrate JSON content into another digital user experience.
● Management of the software development process using ‘GIT’
● User tests, in various forms to help you make informed decisions on the design of the
user experience.
● Optimising content for both the media and target group. - Prøve
Læringsmålene for prøven er identiske med fagets/fagenes læringsmål
Faget prøvesFaget/modulet prøves med flg. fagMålet er at udprøve den studerendes forståelse af teori, metode og redskaber, som er opnået gennem deltagelse i det obligatoriske fagelementer: Design og programmering af digitale brugergrænseflader 2 og Design og programmering af digitalt indhold 2.
Prøven skal vise
• at den studerende kan kommunikere til samarbejdspartnere,
• kan udvikle et interaktivt digitalt produkt under hensyntagen til interessenter
• kan gennemføre et projekt i et team.PrøveformKombineret skriftlig og mundtlig prøvePrøven dækker 2. semesters nationale fagelementer. Der tages udgangspunkt i produkt, rapport og proces.
Prøven består af tre elementer:
4. Præsentation
5. Eksamination
6. Votering og meddelelse af karakterer.
De specifikke krav til prøvens varighed offentliggøres på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner og tilgår censor.OpgavetypeProjektarbejdet skal være tværfagligt og problemorienteret. Det skal resultere i en fungerende digital prototype og en rapport, der dokumenterer udviklingsarbejdet og produktet.
De nærmere krav til projektet beskrives på læringsplatformen for Multimediedesigner, og beskrivelsen skal sikre, at væsentlige områder af 2. semesters undervisning bredt kombineres. Projektbeskrivelsen definerer krav til gruppestørrelse, produktomfang og procesdokumentation. Projektbeskrivelsen gøres tilgængelig for de studerende, eksaminator og censor ved projektperiodens start.FormkravEn fungerende digital prototype og en projektrapport. Rapporten må have et omfang på maksimalt 18 normalsider for 1 studerende + 8 normalsider pr. ekstra gruppemedlem. Forside, indholdsfortegnelse, litteraturliste og bilag tæller ikke med i det maksimale sideantal.
En normalside er 2.400 anslag inklusive mellemrum og fodnoter.
Ved rapporter udarbejdet i en gruppe skal den enkeltes bidrag tydeligt fremgå.Individuel eller gruppeprøveIndividuel- eller gruppeprøve, 1-5 maks. deltagereAnvendt sprog til prøvenEngelskBedømmelsesform7-trins skalaBedømmer(e)Ekstern censurKriterier for prøvevurderingPrøven bedømmes efter 7-trinsskalaen af eksaminator og ekstern censor. Der gives en individuel karakter ud fra en helhedsvurdering af rapport, digital prototype, præsentation og individuel eksamination. Præstationen bedømmes i forhold til opfyldelse af formål og læringsmål på 2. semester, som beskrevet i studieordningen. - Yderligere information
Hand-ins and feedback
07.01.01 “Collaboration agreement”.
Format: PDF
Delivery time: 24th October, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.01.01
Feedback: Approved/Not approved in Fronter
07.01.02 “Trello action plan”
Format: pdf
Delivery time: 25th October, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.01.02
Feedback: Approved/Not approved in Fronter
07.02.01 “Code documentation”
Format: PDF
Delivery time: 2nd November, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.02.01
Feedback: Written in Fronter
07.03.01 “Wordpress backend structure”
Format: Link to remote wordpress installation.
Delivery time: 9th November, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.03.01
Feedback: Approved/Not approved in Fronter
07.03.02 “Web App Structure”
Format: Link to web app (site) and remote wordpress installation.
Delivery time: 15th November, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.03.02
Feedback: Approved/Not approved in Fronter + discussion at scheduled
meeting Friday 16th November
07.03.03 “Final Presentation”
Format: pdf, powerpoint presentation or alike + Link to web app (site) and
remote wordpress installation.
Delivery time: 22nd November, 23:59
Fronter folder: 07.03.03
Feedback: Oral in class
Your work will be evaluated continuously through scheduled meetings with the
teachers as well as oral feedback in class or written feedback in Fronter depending
on the hand in. Some hand ins will be assessed only with an approved/not approved.
På faget T07: CMS (EN) modtager du 68 timers undervisning, hvilket svarer til 90 lektioner (1 lektion = 45 min.) og 33% af din samlede arbejdsbelastning på faget.
Undervisningen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: interne forelæsninger, gruppearbejde.
Forberedelsen vil primært bestå af følgende aktiviteter: læsning af egne noter, læsning af pensum, gruppearbejde.
Læs om KEAs studieaktivitetsmodel
*KEA kan fravige det angivne timetal, hvis det er begrundet i særlige forhold.